Blatant attempt to keep women single and pioneering. No wonder so many women never marry
never a jw
JoinedPosts by never a jw
New Video Series On Courtship May Open Some Eyes
by JW_Rogue inso the wife was watching the latest installment of jw broadcasting and near the end there was a new segment on dating and courtship.
it starts at about the 39 minute mark:.
never a jw
Spain: A group of elder requires clarification to Ministry of Justice regarding sexual molestors
by sp74bb inletter sent today to the ministry of justice... .
spain bethel sent a letter recently last oct 3 interpreting that no elder or sm should request a certificate of sexual offenses as other churches or persons in contact with kids.
again interprets the law to their behalf.. a group of elders in madrid has sent this letter to ask clarification !!.
never a jw
Thanks sp74bb. I missed it because it was right after the letter from Bethel and seemed to be part of it.
Based on the content of the letter, these are not elders who are just concerned about themselves, they are apostate elders who want to hurt the Watchtower. I hope it works.
Spain: A group of elder requires clarification to Ministry of Justice regarding sexual molestors
by sp74bb inletter sent today to the ministry of justice... .
spain bethel sent a letter recently last oct 3 interpreting that no elder or sm should request a certificate of sexual offenses as other churches or persons in contact with kids.
again interprets the law to their behalf.. a group of elders in madrid has sent this letter to ask clarification !!.
never a jw
Where's the letter from elders to the Ministry of Justice? Anyone can make up stuff. So far the opening piece offers nothing
Spain: A group of elder requires clarification to Ministry of Justice regarding sexual molestors
by sp74bb inletter sent today to the ministry of justice... .
spain bethel sent a letter recently last oct 3 interpreting that no elder or sm should request a certificate of sexual offenses as other churches or persons in contact with kids.
again interprets the law to their behalf.. a group of elders in madrid has sent this letter to ask clarification !!.
never a jw
Where's the original in Spanish? Something fishy here.
The "What Ifs" of Watchtower History
by slimboyfat incounterfactual histories (where historians or journalists imagine how it would have turned out if history had taken a different path at a crucial moment) have become really popular in recent years.
they have also gained greater academic credibility, having previously been dismissed as frivolous or analytically irrelevant by serious minded historians.
now even senior academic historians, such as richard evans, extol the virtues of counterfactual history as a way of exploring cause and effect, and distinguishing long term trends from serendipitous contingencies.
never a jw
Entertainment value, otherwise an utter waste of time. -
I don't like the person i am becoming...
by SpunkedTeen ini have not been active here lately just lurking mostly but i have no one to talk to and i need some help i guess.i started working out and became friends with my personal trainer(we went to school together).i started going out with him(lying to my mother about what i was doing,another thing to add to the list of lies,it's becoming too easy!
) and i notice i'm slowly becoming the worldy people that the jw's described.i've become very selfish and rude and very apathetic towards everything and everyone.i always thought the values that jw's taught were really good.if i cut ties with the only friend i have now , i would probably slip into a deep depression and i that is something that i want to avoid at all costs.i start university in january and my plan was to stick it out in the organisation until i got my degree and became fully independant but as of late a elder told me i am being considered to become a m.s and told me what i need to work on and since then the other elders have been nagging me to work on the same things.i'm trying to rid my self of my 'priveleges' in the cong but nothings working...if anyone has experienced a similar situation what advice would you give?
, oh and my mom was always super into the religion having been a pioneer and bethel worker for years but we went to the regional convention two weeks ago and now she is even more exasperating (for example a sister asked my why i was 19 years old and not a ms or serving at bethel yet, which is fine i've learnt how to deal with these questions but when i told my mother whom has always been content with me just being in the religion and never pushed me towards anything asked me if i was happy with what i was and if i would not be happier at bethel or regular pioneering.
never a jw
I've become very selfish and rude and very apathetic towards everything and everyone.I always thought the values that jw's taught were really good
Maybe you have always been selfish, rude and apathetic towards other people. The difference is that while you were under the influence of JW dogma, you were scared into submission and you behaved like a good person, but the core of your person has always been the same.
It's time to get a moral compass, without having to resort to the guidance of a book that contains a morality that was appropriate 2,500 years ago. Join charitable groups, real charitable groups. Participate in community efforts to improve your community. In other words, befriend and learn from the real good people, not pious hypocrites driven by self interest to get a reward or approval.
British Virgin Islands newspaper: Guyanese JW molester gets jail/fine
by AndersonsInfo in
lewis gets 42 months for molesting boy; to pay $10k.
in all news / by: bvi news online on october 3, 2016 at 4:32 pm / oliver lewis during one of his court appearances.
never a jw
That's the way to do it. Thumbs up to the father! Screw "wait on Jehovah!"
Elder asking for help
by untruth inthis is my first time posting on here so i’m not sure where to start.
i’m trying to keep it as short as possible since i could expand much more.
i’ve been in the process of waking up in the last year and a half.
never a jw
Welcome untruth! I am glad to see the talented leave the WT, even if it a protracted process
Your situation looks bad, but it could be worse.
What about other family members? brothers, parents? are they in?
Based on many stories I've read here, I think you should pretend to continue to have an unwavering faith in Jehovah and his promises, even if you are moving in the direction of dumping religion altogether. Keep the Bible and God sacred and above anything else, even if you no longer believe that they are. Your wife needs a gradual and slow transition.
Steve Hassan. Can some one verify if this is true.
by joe134cd in
never a jw
Law of supply and demand. It's the system that we all love...when benefits us, but so ugly when it benefits our neighbor.
Spain 2016-10-03 BOE Re: Minors
by wifibandit inoctober 3, 2016 to the bodies of elders re: minors.
3 de octubre de 2016 a los cuerpos de ancianos asunto: menores de edad.
never a jw
"Being guided by the above recommendations will avoid unfounded accusations and will protect the reputation of our organization"
Really???, so the assumption is that sexual abuse accusations within the organization are unfounded.
Why not word it like this: "Being guided by the above recommendations will
avoid unfounded accusations and willprotectthe reputation of our organization.our children."